Holiday party? Camper’s Christmas? Nah!
Holiday party? Camper’s Christmas? Nah! Christmas after Christmas? Yes!!
We missed you! You missed our nonsense? It’s the opening night of the winter season!!
It’s the opening night of the winter season! Since we were closed during the holidays and because at the Sea Shack we are always a little out of step with the rest of society, we invite you to our Christmas party. Yes yes yes! And for the occasion who else but Santa Claus to welcome you!
On the menu:
Argentinian grill by your chef Plourde
Personalized photoshoot with none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus, a bit shady but really nice version
Gifts at your own risk
A contemporary musical evening, but still punctuated by weird Christmas gems (we’re not going to impose the entire classic Christmas repertoire on you, you know…)
Remaining but not disgusting Christmas desserts (a question of re-mixing a good dose of sugar and alcohol)
Le retour du chandail de Noël laid est bienvenu le temps d’une soirée!
The return of the ugly Christmas sweater is welcome for one evening!
18 years and older